Tuesday, April 20, 2010


We finally did it!! The garden is planted and I am beyond excited. My inspiration for this year's garden began last summer. Whenever we would park at our favorite parking spot to hit the beach, we would walk past an apartment complex where there was the most amazing garden planted in 4'x5' plot in the area between the road and sidewalk. We later found out it was the very well planned garden of a marine living in those apartments. He made the most efficient use of the space he had...everything from corn to green beans.
I also remember reading somewhere about victory gardens and that they weren't big but fed a family to help with the war effort and hey! this isn't rocket science ... just throw some seeds into the ground already!!!
Our garden is 4'X10' and we planted sunflowers, peas, bell pepper, squash, lettuce, jalepeno, tomatoes, cucumber, pickling cucumber, pumpkin (seeds saved from last year's pumpkin), and lavender. It is organized into 4 foot rows with one area designated as the *mystery garden* because the seedlings got mixed up and we're not really sure what sprouted...should be fun!!!

Still waiting for the chickens to hatch...


  1. Yeah! I bet it will turn out great!

  2. Sounds great! When can we come over for dinner?!?!?!? Miss you!
